Rules And Regulations

It is understood that any form of program, hardware, etc… that is designed to give one sided advantages (cheat) are banned from use. Examples of these would include – soft aim bots, walls, radars, cronos, xim, etc…

Programs may be conditionally approved for use if they are found to be ultimately benign in use. Examples of these would be sound EQs and Raw Accel.
All PC players must either record (recommend .mkv) or stream using display capture at 720p minimum, recording all audio/comms, and hold onto those vods for at least 48 hours after a match. During this period, an opposing team may request the vods of a player that they find to be suspicious. In these cases, clips of the offending player must be provided to justify the request. If approved, the vod will be requested for review by the admins and opposing team – the accusing team must also provide any relevant vods in full to properly review all material.

Recording need not start from desktop.

All PC players are required to have an activated windows license.

All console players will be required to stream. The purpose of these is to provide their POV at all times when investigating other players they suspect of cheating. Incomplete vods, internet hiccups, etc… will not be grounds for any sort of penalization.

Any player found to be cheating will be immediately banned with no appeal, pending following interviews/checks. Players suspected of cheating, but no definitive proof, will be placed on monitor cameras.

If a player fails to produce a vod, they shall be placed on mon cam immediately or banned (pending provided clips), and the match shall be logged as win for the opposing team.

During tournaments that involve money, all PC players will be required to monitor cam.

At any time prior to a game, a team may request a codcaster from the admins to observe.
The team designated as home for the week will host. Teams may switch host before a LIVE round has been played. In other words, teams are entitled to testing the waters on pings before starting proper, and requesting a switch to another person if necessary.
This league is meant to be competitive. Each week, a single map is chosen with the expectation that each team spends the week preparing for it. These matches will be played from Friday to Sunday, depending on team availabilities.

Currently, maps will be first to 12 with the win by 2 condition turned on (absolute round total max is 18). Host will be determined based on fairness between the two teams – ie. try to not abuse each others pings, captains will talk it out and agree. Whoever is the “home team” for that week will have first side choice.

Ranking will be based purely on points from W/L. Ties will be allowed within this league, as they do within professional sports. The end of season tournament will be seeded based on ranking in this league.

Win = 3 points Tie = 1 point Loss = 0 points
A teammate may NOT spectate or codcast their own games – they must either watch a teammate’s stream live in discord or a delayed broadcast.

A LIVE round is one where one frag has occured. A round FF is reflective of that specific round being awarded to the other team. This does not double dip – it simply reflects that regardless of the outcome of that round, the point shall be awarded to the other team (ie. if you win the round anyway, you do not get another point).

Any team that uses a glitch in a live round shall immediately FF the round. Glitches include, but are not limited to – clipping inside of objects, exploits, stair glitching, snaking, obviously unintended wall bangs (ie. shooting through whole buildings, 30 feet of concrete, or below the map), team swapping to manipulate spawns, etc…

With regards to wall bangs – beyond the obviously banned, all others are considered legal until banned from review. These rulings will not be retroactive for the sanity of admins.

In the case of using a banned item or wrong rules, only the live round it is called on will be considered an FF (pending further consideration depending on the exact infraction).

Team killing at round start is considered a tell to pull the match back to lobby. This is only appropriate if a player drops and they want to play the round with all players present or technical difficulties. You cannot use this for example to wipe banked field upgrades in a key round.
– User/Team creates a ticket with clear concise clips of suspicious activity – Admins & experienced users provide feedback on the clips, and determine if further action is needed. – If needed, an additional ticket is made to request the VODs from the accused user – The VOD will then be reviewed by admins & experienced users. – Appropriate action will be taken based off the results of the review.